Saturday, January 19, 2013

Questions about Polite Request

Questions Time
Here is your space to ask about polite request.

  • Do you have any questions about polite request?
  • What do you want to know more about it?
  • Do you have anything to add about polite request?
  • Please ask and I will more than happy to answer your questions.
Thank you :D

Your Own Polite Request Video !

Hello grade 3 students,

Did you watch the videos that I uploaded in our blog? Do you like them?
Now it is your turn to create your own video about polite request.
You can choose the theme and the actor you like.
I am looking forward to see your nice videos.

Click on this link to create your video. if you have any questions please ask me or write comment down.

Here is the link:

Be creative

Polite Request at the Restaurant - Video

This video shows how the girl use polite request in her order at the restaurant. Watch the video please and write down what forms of polite request the girl used. Also list some types of food she asked the waiter about.  

Thanks for watching

Fruit Market Exercise

Fruit Trip

My dear students,
Today we are going to the fruit market. You will see different types of fruit please answer the questions below which will help you to buy some fruits.
You see some fruits picture use them in your answer. Use polite request in your answers
Post your answer on the comment please.
Write your answer below how will you ask the seller about your request.

Here are the questions:

1- Ask for two Apples and one Banana.

2- Ask for one Strawberry.
3- Ask for one orange.
Please post your answer below
1- ...........................................

Thanks for coming to the trip and asking the seller politely. Enjoy your fruit.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Polite Request Exercise - Fill in the Gap

Hello grade 3 learner,

I create a simple exercise for you. It is fill in the gap.
You will find a text with some hidden words you will have to choose the right words to fill the gap and answer correctly. The key words under the text you only have to choose the right word. Do your best. Enjoy

Please click on the (Fill in the Gap Exercise) it will take you to the exercise page.
Fill in the Gap Exercise

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Polite Request Video

Watch the video below abput polite request and answer the question please.

  1. What can you notice from the video ?
  2. Did they use polite Request?
  3. Who use polite request and why?
  4. Do you think it is important ?

Write and Share your answer on the commonts please.

Polite Request Rule

Let’s learn how to make polite request
There are many key words and different form of using politeness words in questions.

If you want to make polite request question you should do the following:

·         Add can or could at the beginning of the sentence.
·         Add the subject (you) after the can or could.
·         Add the verb followed by the object.
·         Add please.
·         Add question mark.

Can or Could
Subject (you)
Question Mark
me an apple
the tomato

We can use polite request to ask about many things. For examples:
Asking about food.
Asking about time.
Asking for help.
Ø  If you have question or you did not understand any point please post a comment below.